To start up the Praat program, just double-click it.If you use Praat for the first time, choose Intro from the Help menu.4. Phonetic and international symbolsFor best results with phonetic characters in the TextGrid and Picture windows,you should also download the Charis SIL and/or the Doulos SIL font,which were created by the Summer Institute of Linguistics.To install them, first download their zip-files:CharisSIL-6.101.zipDoulosSIL-6.101.zipDouble-click the zip folders. You will see a folder called CharisSIL-6.101 or DoulosSIL-6.101; drag it out of the zip folder to your desktop.When you open the CharisSIL-6.101 or DoulosSIL-6.101 folders, you will see TrueType font files such asCharisSIL-Regular(.ttf), CharisSIL-Bold(.ttf), CharisSIL-Italic(.ttf), CharisSIL-BoldItalic(.ttf), and DoulosSIL-Regular(.ttf).To install a font, double-click its file and choose Install.
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